Sunday, May 29, 2011

Low Salt Diet For High Blood Pressure

Several researches have proved that heart diseases cause the largest number of deaths in the US. Hypertension which is commonly known as high blood pressure among people is one reason behind all these heart ailments. Thus if people get rid of hypertension, such ailments can be prevented. Elevated blood pressure in some of the cases is incurable but it can surely be managed to a large extent by bringing certain essential changes in the lifestyles.

One of the most common measures towards the control of blood pressure includes limiting the daily salt intake. Sodium is essential for the human body and the most common source includes salt but excessive amounts can lead to ailments such as hypertension and thus it should be taken within limits. There are several foods such as the packaged and processed foods do not depict the actual amounts of sodium contained within them, these quantities are hidden actually.

One must be very careful that they check the food labels before taking them. They should thus go for low sodium or salt free foods. Baked foods that are prepared using the baking powder have really high amounts of sodium and thus people suffering from hypertension should avoid such food items. Other food items that need to be avoided include smoked meat, frozen, canned, and pre packaged food. These people should consume required amounts of potassium as they work towards regulation of the body blood pressure. Fruits like bananas, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc supply great amounts of potassium.

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