Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to Lose Weight and Burn Fat Fast

It’s no secret that eating the right foods and taking regular exercise helps maintain good health and facilitates weight loss. In fact, certain foods eaten at specific times can help you get the most out of your workouts... and jump- start your body’s fat-burning engine.

Below are three handy tips to help you get maximum benefits from your exercise programme and to optimise your weight loss potential:

* Exercise first thing: Exercising on an empty stomach (first thing in the morning), forces the body to burn more fat. This happens because your body's fat burning mechanism is controlled by your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and your SNS is activated by exercise and lack of food.

* What to eat afterwards: If you fail to feed your muscles at the right time after exercise, the catabolic process (the chemical process necessary for the maintenance and growth of cells and muscles) will go too far and can potentially damage your muscles. That is why it is important to eat a fast assimilating protein-rich meal within 30 minutes following your workout. Many people make the mistake of drinking a protein shake before a workout. Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates, so consuming too much pre-workout protein can give you stomach cramps.

A recent study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that eating a low-carbohydrate meal after aerobic exercise enhances your insulin sensitivity. This is highly beneficial, since impaired insulin sensitivity, or insulin resistance, is the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes and a significant risk factor for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease.

* Avoid so-called ‘health’ drinks at all cost: Energy drinks, sports drinks, most energy bars and even so- called healthy drinks like vitamin water, contain sugar, including fructose, which will sabotage all your efforts to lose weight. The irony of these fructose-containing foods is that fructose rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity (beer belly), decreases ‘good’ HDL cholesterol, increases ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, elevates triglycerides (blood fats) and elevates blood sugar levels. If you need to quench your thirst during or after exercise, water wins hands down every time.

Much as exercise is a key element to losing weight, many of us don’t have the time to dedicate hours at the gym to burn off our excess fat by running on the dreaded treadmill... The good news is, you don’t have to become a gym rat to get results, nor do you have to follow a faddy diet...

How to lose those extra pounds once and for all...

Rachael Linkie, editor of Health Sciences Institute, has put together a special report ‘EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE, LOSE THE FAT YOU HATE — The 36 best kept weight-loss secrets to make you look and feel like $1 million’, in which she exposes the reasons why most diets and weight-loss aids fail so miserably... all because they’re missing ONE key element.

Even though you may initially lose weight fast by following popular diets, the weight just piles back on the minute you start eating normally again…

We’ve all been there... There’s even a name for it: Yo-yo dieting!

The secret to successful weight loss isn’t starving yourself, nor is it limiting your food choices or following a rigid pattern of eating... nor does it require endless hours of exercise. The truth is, most diets won’t work for a lot of people as there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to weight loss.

You’re about to discover the real reason why you can’t lose weight and will find out how to shift those extra pounds once and for all, in the report that the obesity industry doesn’t want you to read...

To find out more about Rachael’s 36 weight loss secrets, click here. Best yet, by reading this report, you’ll find out why you don’t have to give up the foods you love in order to lose the fat you hate.

Continues below...
*Highly Recommended*

Discover Natural Alternatives that Will Help Get Rid of Fatigue in No Time!

Do you recognise any of the following symptoms?

Reduced libido, weight gain, poor concentration, memory loss, irritability, feelings of depression, impaired judgement and decision making?

If Yes, you may be suffering from fatigue...

But guess what...You’re not alone! In fact, tiredness is the number one cause of GP visits in the UK.

Whilst it’s comforting to know that you’re not alone it doesn’t get to the bottom of your fatigue problem. That’s why HSI commissioned a special report: ''From Burnt Out To Buzzing: 78 Secrets to Boost Your Energy Levels and Fight Fatigue'.

Click here, to find out how this special report will help you get your energy and zest for life back on track.

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