Sunday, May 29, 2011

High Blood Pressure Diet: Top 4 Foods to Avoid

Many people are not aware of the impact that diet has on high blood pressure. In addition to prescribed medication, an individual suffering from hypertension must implement a healthy eating plan in their daily routine. The dietary plan recommended by the National Health Institute is extremely comprehensive in that it suggests impairing foods to avoid with high blood pressure and how your body is affected.

Eating healthy is one of the key elements to obtaining normal blood pressure levels. Researchers are constantly identifying the benefits of eating foods that otherwise elevate your blood pressure. In addition to implementing a well- balanced diet into your daily routine, you should also exercise regularly and always be cautious of your blood pressure levels.

It is recommended that you seek proper medical attention to effectively control high blood pressure; however, it is also required that you modify current daily lifestyle habits in order to successfully combat the aggressive effects of the cardiovascular disease.

Obtaining the necessary information in regards to high blood pressure may save your life. Of course, the sooner it is detected, you can begin immediate maintenance. Specifically, you can take prompt action to prevent further complications. The best treatment for high blood pressure involves the compliance of a healthy diet to compliment the medication. To keep your blood pressure under control, these foods should be avoided for the remainder of your life.

1) Sodium or Salt
Too much sodium does direct damage to the heart and arteries and raises blood pressure significantly.

2) Fats
A healthy eating plan should include only a small amount (if any) of saturated or trans-fats. Fatty foods are bad for both the heart and blood vessels. Avoid red meat and fast food along with other fats that include olives and hydrogenated oils.

3) Alcohol
Alcohol consumption actively causes the blood pressure to elevate. It also damages the walls of the blood vessels, while simultaneously increases risks of further complications.

4) Extra Calories and Sugar
Foods with extra calories and full of sugar cause you to gain weight. Obesity is a significant determinant for high blood pressure. The extra weight puts surplus strain on the heart and slows down the blood flow.

In order to alleviate the occurrence of further complications and control current blood pressure levels, it is important that you are aware of what foods to avoid with high blood pressure. Implementing a healthy eating plan in your daily lifestyle, as you can see, is extremely advantageous. Avoiding certain foods will not only lower your blood pressure, but it will also add years to your life.

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