Friday, May 27, 2011

Protect Your Heart, Kidneys and Eyes With This One Single Nutrient

Critical Heart Nutrient Sparks Life and Energy Into Every Part of Your Body

More than a 1000 published scientific papers in the last 50 years prove this substance not only prevents heart attacks and strokes by stopping cholesterol blocking arteries… BUT it also...

** Lowers blood pressure

** Restores heart cells and improves the condition of heart patients…

And while the bulk of the science focuses on its ability to keep hearts healthy, it does much, MUCH more... like:

** Preventing nerve damage… brain cell deterioration… breathing problems…

** Rescuing distressed cells and DNA, in your organs, bones, skin, hair and eyes…

** Rejuvenates lungs, livers, hearts and minds, and…

** Revs up every muscle in your body

Protect Your Heart, Kidneys and Eyes With This One Single Nutrient

How did I know Chris was concerned about his blood sugar? Easy — he asked if I knew anything about benfotiamine.

Now, that's not a question I hear everyday. Or, for that matter, EVER, until now. And Chris was a little surprised when my first response was to wonder if he was asking because of his blood sugar.

He just nodded and asked, "How did you know?"

You don't have to be a detective to unravel this mystery.

An absorbing issue

First of all, Chris is absolutely on the right track in hunting for information about benfotiamine.

Benfotiamine is a form of vitamin B1, also known as thiamine — an important nutrient in maintaining kidney and heart function.

It's also a vital link in carbohydrate metabolism.

When carbs are poorly metabolized, your cells can actually become flooded with glucose. For some cells, this is extremely dangerous — and over time, if left unchecked, it can lead to some pretty serious health concerns.

But even a small amount of benfotiamine might help keep metabolism on track and help prevent glucose-induced oxidative damage. In this way, it may also help protect kidneys and other organs that typically struggle when flooded with excess blood sugar.

Researchers believe that benfotiamine guards other body tissues as well — tissues that MUST be well-maintained for continued good health. For instance, in vitro studies have shown that benfotiamine appears to protect cells that line the interior walls of blood vessels.

One of the most important features of benfotiamine is that it's fat-soluble. Thiamine is water soluble, which means it's eliminated from your body fairly quickly.

Benfotiamine is also better absorbed. In fact, the absorption rate is about FIVE TIMES higher than that of a thiamine supplement alone.

Benfotiamine is one of three cornerstones in a supplement called GlucoComplete that was formulated by alternative medicine pioneer Dr. William Campbell Douglass.

After years of treating patients, Dr. Douglass concluded that benfotiamine is absolutely essential to maintaining good health as well as helping to protect eyes, kidneys and nerves from the effects of excess glucose.

Continues below...
*Highly Recommended*

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