Sunday, May 29, 2011

How NOT to Prevent Kidney Stones

If you're at risk of kidney stones, you've got some important choices when it comes to beverages. Certain beverages lower risk, while others sharply increase risk.

So here's a quick guide for those who are likely to develop kidney stones.

We'll start with the good choices...

Drink up!

If you have kidney stones, you may be familiar with "lemonade therapy." One study that lasted four years showed that when kidney stone patients drank a daily lemonade drink, stone formation was slowed and the number of stones reduced.

Unfortunately, kidney stone patients also need to keep their sugar intake low to avoid stone formation. So this therapy loses a lot of its appeal when the "lemonade" is actually just diluted lemon juice that's either sugar-free or sweetened artificially.

Instead, you might consider a recommendation from an HSI member named John.

John tells us that he used to pass a kidney stone about once a month. It was "excruciating." But he found an easy way to alleviate his problem.

John: "I then read Dr. Jarvis's book 'Vermont Folk Medicine' talking about apple cider vinegar and honey being so beneficial to changing the PH of the body to prevent kidney stones.

"I immediately went on this regimen by taking a half bottle of honey and filling it up with apple cider vinegar. Then I put about an inch of this mixture in a glass and filled it up with water. I did this every morning since and have not had another stone in 46 years.

"Cheap treatment and I have recommended it to anyone that I talk to that has kidney stones and they all are helped."

John didn't mention what type of apple cider vinegar he uses. Judging by his success, I'm willing to bet it's a raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized product, rather than the typical apple cider vinegar you'll find in most large supermarkets.

Also note that honey is a simple carb. Like sugar, it should be used sparingly.

Now — what to avoid...

Start with soy milk.

A few years ago, I told you about research that found extremely high oxalate content in soybeans, tofu, and processed soy products. Oxalate is a compound that binds with calcium in the kidneys and promotes kidney stone formation. Researchers concluded that soy products are unsafe for anyone at risk of developing kidney stones.

Next on the "NOT" list: diet fizzy drinks.

New research tested several brands of diet fizzy drinks and found high citrate levels in citrus-flavoured varieties. (It's the citrate in lemon juice that makes lemonade a plus for kidney stone patients.)

Dr. Brian H. Eisner, lead researcher on the diet fizzy drink study, said that he doesn't suggest kidney stone patients start drinking fizzy drinks. And if only he'd stopped right there...

He goes on to note that these patients ARE advised to drink plenty of liquids every day, and adds, "If drinking these fizzy drinks helps people reach that goal, then that may be a good thing."

Oh brother! That's like saying people have to eat food every day, so if eating French fries and ice cream helps them reach that goal, that may be a good thing.

A while ago, I told you about a study that followed more than 6,000 ‘fizzy drinkers’ for four years. Subjects who drank just one or more fizzy drinks each day were nearly 45 per cent more likely to develop obesity, high blood sugar, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure.

The kicker: These results were nearly identical, whether the participants drank diet or normal fizzy drinks.

And don't even get me started on aspartame — just pure dangerous junk. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports headaches, insomnia, and seizures linked to aspartame intake.

If you have a history of kidney stones and your doctor suggests you start drinking Sprite Zero or some other citrus diet fizzy drink, bolt for the door and find another doctor — and something else to drink.

Continues below...

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