Sunday, May 29, 2011

Best Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Though medications seem to be the first choice of people suffering from hypertension, there are several other measures available that can help lower down the blood pressure without such drugs. Lifestyle plays the most vital role in treating not only high blood pressure, but all other diseases as well. It is very important that people follow the right lifestyle so that such health disorders can be avoided.

Given below are some of the most effective ways for reduction of high blood pressure without actually going for the medications:

Losing those extra pounds can really help control hypertension as blood pressure seem to increase with the increasing body weight. More weight one loses, the lower their blood pressure gets. Weight reduction also helps the medications in terms of making them even more effective.
Regular exercises too help in controlling high blood pressure. A daily exercise if at least half an hour helps lower the blood pressure and it does not require that much of an effort as all one needs to do is remain physically active.
Following a healthy diet including the whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, and foods that have less cholesterol and saturated fats helps lower the body blood pressure. Such a plan is called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet plans that are abbreviated as DASH.
One needs to reduce the salt intake in their daily diets. In order to do this one must keep a track of their salt intake, read the food labels very carefully for getting an idea about their sodium concentration, and eating less amounts of processed foods.
Other possible measures include limiting alcoholic consumption, reduction of stress, and give up smoking.

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