Sunday, May 29, 2011

Low Salt Diet For High Blood Pressure

Several researches have proved that heart diseases cause the largest number of deaths in the US. Hypertension which is commonly known as high blood pressure among people is one reason behind all these heart ailments. Thus if people get rid of hypertension, such ailments can be prevented. Elevated blood pressure in some of the cases is incurable but it can surely be managed to a large extent by bringing certain essential changes in the lifestyles.

One of the most common measures towards the control of blood pressure includes limiting the daily salt intake. Sodium is essential for the human body and the most common source includes salt but excessive amounts can lead to ailments such as hypertension and thus it should be taken within limits. There are several foods such as the packaged and processed foods do not depict the actual amounts of sodium contained within them, these quantities are hidden actually.

One must be very careful that they check the food labels before taking them. They should thus go for low sodium or salt free foods. Baked foods that are prepared using the baking powder have really high amounts of sodium and thus people suffering from hypertension should avoid such food items. Other food items that need to be avoided include smoked meat, frozen, canned, and pre packaged food. These people should consume required amounts of potassium as they work towards regulation of the body blood pressure. Fruits like bananas, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc supply great amounts of potassium.

Best Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Though medications seem to be the first choice of people suffering from hypertension, there are several other measures available that can help lower down the blood pressure without such drugs. Lifestyle plays the most vital role in treating not only high blood pressure, but all other diseases as well. It is very important that people follow the right lifestyle so that such health disorders can be avoided.

Given below are some of the most effective ways for reduction of high blood pressure without actually going for the medications:

Losing those extra pounds can really help control hypertension as blood pressure seem to increase with the increasing body weight. More weight one loses, the lower their blood pressure gets. Weight reduction also helps the medications in terms of making them even more effective.
Regular exercises too help in controlling high blood pressure. A daily exercise if at least half an hour helps lower the blood pressure and it does not require that much of an effort as all one needs to do is remain physically active.
Following a healthy diet including the whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, and foods that have less cholesterol and saturated fats helps lower the body blood pressure. Such a plan is called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet plans that are abbreviated as DASH.
One needs to reduce the salt intake in their daily diets. In order to do this one must keep a track of their salt intake, read the food labels very carefully for getting an idea about their sodium concentration, and eating less amounts of processed foods.
Other possible measures include limiting alcoholic consumption, reduction of stress, and give up smoking.

Eye Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be diagnosed if people are aware towards the warning signs that are experienced during such conditions. There are several such symptoms out of which eye symptoms are quite foreigner as most of the people are not really aware of the fact that such symptoms are also seen and even if they encounter them in any case, they consider it to be related to eye problems rather than associating them with hypertension.

Elevated blood pressure not only produces cardio-pulmonary symptoms, but also show various eye symptoms. Given below are certain steps that might help identify, diagnose as well as treat these eye symptoms:

One should notice any headache or even any kind of difficulty with vision. People must pay attention towards such issues and must get in touch with their physicians. Taking certain pain killers would not help if it is something related to hypertension.
Determining the fact if one has hypertension or not is also very important. If one is aware about this fact, they are quite comfortable treating their eye symptoms thus people should get themselves checked for hypertension in case they experience eye problems on regular basis.
As soon as one encounters any such eye problem, one must consult an optometrist immediately as this confirms whether this is due to hypertension or because of some other reasons.
In order to reduce eye symptoms that are associated with hypertension, one must work towards reduction of stress, sodium intake, fat consumption, and must allow their eyes to rest.

What Is Normal Blood Pressure Range ?

Blood pressure is basically the increase in the energy of the blood flow within the arteries when the heart is pumping blood out. It is the complete reverse of hypotension in which this pressure of blood is low. Blood pressure can be categorized into two primary and secondary. Primary or essential blood pressure is the state where the increase in blood pressure cannot be linked to a source and no cause is established. Around 90 percent to 95 percent of the cases belong to this category.

The leftover cases accounting to about 5 to 10 percent belong to the secondary category where the reason of the increase can be sourced to other health conditions which have an effect on other parts of the body such as heart, arteries, endocrine system and kidneys. Usually a sphygmomanometer is used to measure the arterial pressure. It was earlier measured by the elevation of mercury’s column which reflects the flowing pressure. Even though average levels of arterial force for a defined population can be determined, the normal levels of blood pressure vary with difference age groups.

Various reasons like gender and age influence the average blood pressure level of a person. Children have lower blood pressure level than adults. It can have a doubtful correlation with an individual’s overall health too. But after studies and surveys 112/64 mmHg has been established as the standard blood pressure. Among one year olds this is 95/65 and between the ages of 6 to 9 years this increases to 100/65. For adults the normal level is set somewhere between 110/65 - 140/90.

Best Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Though medications seem to be the first choice of people suffering from hypertension, there are several other measures available that can help lower down the blood pressure without such drugs. Lifestyle plays the most vital role in treating not only high blood pressure, but all other diseases as well. It is very important that people follow the right lifestyle so that such health disorders can be avoided.

Given below are some of the most effective ways for reduction of high blood pressure without actually going for the medications:

Losing those extra pounds can really help control hypertension as blood pressure seem to increase with the increasing body weight. More weight one loses, the lower their blood pressure gets. Weight reduction also helps the medications in terms of making them even more effective.
Regular exercises too help in controlling high blood pressure. A daily exercise if at least half an hour helps lower the blood pressure and it does not require that much of an effort as all one needs to do is remain physically active.
Following a healthy diet including the whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, and foods that have less cholesterol and saturated fats helps lower the body blood pressure. Such a plan is called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet plans that are abbreviated as DASH.
One needs to reduce the salt intake in their daily diets. In order to do this one must keep a track of their salt intake, read the food labels very carefully for getting an idea about their sodium concentration, and eating less amounts of processed foods.
Other possible measures include limiting alcoholic consumption, reduction of stress, and give up smoking.

A Guide To Lowering High Blood Pressure

Hypertension which is most commonly known as high blood pressure among people is one of the most commonly observed health disorders. It is something that can affect people belonging to any age group at any point of time. It sometimes might not show any warning signs, thus it is very important that people are aware of the ways of lowering the high blood pressure irrespective of the fact whether they are suffering from this health issue or not. High blood pressure can easily be prevented through taking necessary action at the right time.

The first step towards lowering or preventing high blood pressure includes incorporation of a healthy lifestyle which further demands maintaining the right body weight, remaining physically active, following the right eating plan, limiting the alcohol consumption and quitting smoking.

As everyone is aware of the fact that a healthy balanced diet is the key to prevent most of the health disorders, hypertension can also be treated by following the right eating plan. It prevents hypertension as well as lowers the elevated levels of blood pressure naturally. One must consider DASH eating plans which refers to ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension’. Hypertension can be controlled by consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy foods, foods that contain less saturated fats, cholesterol and total fats. Moreover, one should limit their salt intake.
The second measure includes the maintenance of right body weight as increased weight can lead to high cholesterol issues as well as diabetes along with worsening the situation of hypertension.
One needs to involve themselves into physical activities such as exercise, yoga, or anything that keeps them physically active which is a requisite for lowering hypertension.
Limiting the alcohol consumption and quitting smoking are other very beneficial measures towards reduction of hypertension. As too much alcohol harms the liver, heart and brain. On the other hand quitting smoking reduces the chances of heart attacks to a very large extent.

High Blood Pressure Diet: Top 4 Foods to Avoid

Many people are not aware of the impact that diet has on high blood pressure. In addition to prescribed medication, an individual suffering from hypertension must implement a healthy eating plan in their daily routine. The dietary plan recommended by the National Health Institute is extremely comprehensive in that it suggests impairing foods to avoid with high blood pressure and how your body is affected.

Eating healthy is one of the key elements to obtaining normal blood pressure levels. Researchers are constantly identifying the benefits of eating foods that otherwise elevate your blood pressure. In addition to implementing a well- balanced diet into your daily routine, you should also exercise regularly and always be cautious of your blood pressure levels.

It is recommended that you seek proper medical attention to effectively control high blood pressure; however, it is also required that you modify current daily lifestyle habits in order to successfully combat the aggressive effects of the cardiovascular disease.

Obtaining the necessary information in regards to high blood pressure may save your life. Of course, the sooner it is detected, you can begin immediate maintenance. Specifically, you can take prompt action to prevent further complications. The best treatment for high blood pressure involves the compliance of a healthy diet to compliment the medication. To keep your blood pressure under control, these foods should be avoided for the remainder of your life.

1) Sodium or Salt
Too much sodium does direct damage to the heart and arteries and raises blood pressure significantly.

2) Fats
A healthy eating plan should include only a small amount (if any) of saturated or trans-fats. Fatty foods are bad for both the heart and blood vessels. Avoid red meat and fast food along with other fats that include olives and hydrogenated oils.

3) Alcohol
Alcohol consumption actively causes the blood pressure to elevate. It also damages the walls of the blood vessels, while simultaneously increases risks of further complications.

4) Extra Calories and Sugar
Foods with extra calories and full of sugar cause you to gain weight. Obesity is a significant determinant for high blood pressure. The extra weight puts surplus strain on the heart and slows down the blood flow.

In order to alleviate the occurrence of further complications and control current blood pressure levels, it is important that you are aware of what foods to avoid with high blood pressure. Implementing a healthy eating plan in your daily lifestyle, as you can see, is extremely advantageous. Avoiding certain foods will not only lower your blood pressure, but it will also add years to your life.

Low Blood Pressure Diet Tips

Most ailments we have can be treated through a certain diet. Same is true with hypotension or low blood pressure. We should follow a diet program so as to keep away the problem. To treat low blood pressure, the following dietary tips should be implemented.

Diet for Low Blood Pressure
1-Eating fresh fruits can help treat hypotension. The patient is advised to eat only fresh fruits in his meal every five hours. This should be done for five consecutive days. For the next two weeks, he should be eating the fruit with fresh milk. He can add a balanced diet which includes grains, seeds, nuts and vegetables for a better health.

2-A person with a low blood pressure should also increase his intake of foods that are rich in vitamin C and vitamin B complex. Lack of these vitamins will lead to hypotension. Vitamin B5 is necessary in the formation of energy, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates as well as in the formation of iron. Deficiency in vitamin B5 will cause sodium removal in the body. This vitamin is found in all animal foods especially the liver. It is also found in chicken meat, eggs and in vegetables especially in whole grains.

3-Vitamin C and Vitamin E are great diets for low blood pressure as well. Vitamin C is found most in peppers, also in citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and lemon. In vegetables, it is found in cabbage and broccoli at the most but it is also sourced out from spinach, cauliflowers, radishes, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin E on the other hand, is found in sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, soy lecithin olive oil and toasted almonds. Apples and asparagus are also sources of vitamin E but in lesser amounts.

4-Protein is very important to a person with hypotension. Once your body lacks protein your blood vessels become too weak to bump blood properly. It is believed that animal protein is more complete than plant protein. Therefore it is better to get protein from animal foods like egg (90% assimilated) and milk (80% assimilated). In plant, wheat has the greatest value of protein in which 50% is assimilated. In vegetables, it is necessary to combine different kinds so as to complete the protein intake. One good way to get high quality protein is to combine egg or milk or any dairy products with plant foods. Examples of this combination are:
- Yogurt and cereal

- Pasta with cheese

- Vegetables with egg

It is also necessary for the person to keep himself hydrated since dehydration can cause low blood pressure. He should at least drink 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking much water increases blood volume which helps raise blood pressure.

Limit your alcohol intake. Sports drinks that are high in potassium and sodium can help. This helps rehydration.

Reduce caffeine intake. If you are a heavy coffee drinker, it is best to reduce your intake one cup at a time until such time you no longer crave for coffee.

Include a diet that is higher in salt. Sodium is necessary for the maintenance of fluid balance in your body. It helps raise blood pressure. You can add salt into your meals but if you are not used to eating salty foods, you can try table salt which can be bought from herbalists or from pharmacies. The recommended dose is 900-1000 mg 3 times a day, but you can start taking small amount and progressively increase it.
Diet for low blood pressure is essential to make sure that you are in the pink of health. While most people may have problems with high blood pressure, there are also those who have low blood pressure problems. It is in this regard that the low blood pressure diet should be considered

Low Blood Pressure Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Low Blood Pressure.

I have enumerated below the various natural treatments for low blood pressure or hypotension that can be followed, along with illustrations. Needless to add, that your doctor’s advice is to be solicited before taking any alternative medicine for any ailment.

Try these natural or home remedies for low blood pressure.

1. Beetroot : One cup of fresh beetroot juice to be drunk daily. Cinnamon powder can be added to it.

Beet root

2. Indian Spikenard: Mix 15 gms of this herb in one cup of boiled water. Drink this mix three times a day.

Indian Spikenard

Health is Wealth- Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure or hypotension refers to the fall in blood pressure below normal. It is a condition in which the action of the heart, in forcing the blood through the arteries, is weak. This is a direct outcome of a weakened and devitalised system.

Low blood pressure symptoms

Lethargy, weakness, dizziness
The patient with chronic low blood pressure may complain of lethargy, weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. The patient may faint, especially if arterial pressure is lowered further when he assumes an erect position. These symptoms are presumably due to a decrease in perfusion of blood to the brain, heart, skeletal muscle, and other organs.

Low blood pressure causes
Faulty nutrition, Malnutrition

The most important cause of low blood pressure is faulty nutrition. It makes the tissues forming the walls of the blood vessels over-relaxed, and flabby or streched. This results in less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet deficient in calories, proteins, vitamin C, or almost any one of the B vitamins.
Loss of blood, slow internal bleeding
Sometimes the blood pressure falls rapidly because of loss of blood. Low blood pressure may also develop gradually because of slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder.
Emotional instability
Emotional problems are a far more frequent cause of low blood pressure. To a lesser degree, prolonged disappointment and frustration may result in a subnormal blood pressure.

Low blood pressure home remedies

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Beetroot
The juice of raw beetroot is one of the most effective home remedies for low blood pressure. The patient should drink a cup of this juice twice daily for treating this condition Considerable improvement will be noticeable within a week.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Indian Spikenard
The herb Indian spikenard is another effective home remedy for low blood pressure. It should be taken in doses of thirty to forty grains with a pinch of a little camphor and cinnamon (dalchini). An infusion can also be prepared by steeping 15 to 20 gm of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, and taking it thrice a day.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Epsom Salts Bath
Hot Epsom salt bath are one of the simplest remedy for low blood pressure. An Epsom salt bath is prepared by dissolving one to one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to catch a chill afterwards.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Nutrients
Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Salt
The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.

Low blood pressure diet

Exclusive fruit diet
The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh fruity fruits at five-hourly intervals.
Milk and fruit diet
Thereafter he may adopt a fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks. After the fruit and milk diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diets consisting of seeds nuts and grains with emphasis on fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Further period of all fruit diet followed by a milk and fruit diet may be necessary every two or three months in some cases, depending on the progress being made.

Other Low blood pressure treatment

Warm-Water enema treatment
A warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the first few days of the treatment, and afterwards, if necessary. Those who are habitually constipated should take all the possible steps for its eradication. Daily dry friction and sponging should be undertaken by those suffering from low blood pressure.
Light walking, cycling, swimming and Breathing exercises
They should undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking , swimming and cycling. The patient should take sun and air baths and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
Avoid excessive work, anxiety
All living habits which tend to enervate the system, such as overwork, excesses of all kinds, needless worry, and negative thinking must be eliminated as far as possible.

How to Avoid High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure treatment is usually done through medication and regular follow-ups with the doctor, which can span years. It is important to know though that high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases can be easily avoided if one maintains a healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

Low Sodium Fruits and Vegetables

So how does a Mediterranean diet said to help lower blood pressure naturally?

First, fruits and vegetables have low sodium content. As you know, high sodium content is one of the main causes of high blood pressure. They are also rich in potassium, which is a mineral important for maintaining proper heart function.

Fruits and vegetables are also rich in the minerals calcium and magnesium, which are both extremely important for maintaining normal blood pressure levels and regulation of heart muscle function.

Why the Mediterranean Diet is Better?

The Mediterranean diet is a diet loaded mainly with fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grains, fish, nuts, and olive oil.

Although this is the diet known for centuries in the Mediterranean region, it has gained popularity all over the world because of the scientifically proven benefits it offers.

Research studies have indicated its effectiveness in lowering the risks of diseases such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, lung disease, asthma, allergies and cardiovascular diseases.

List of Foods Low in Sodium

The Mediterranean diet can well substitute the high blood pressure remedies recommended by your doctor. Healthy eating habits, combined with a healthy lifestyle free of smoking, stress and high amounts of alcohol, can all help lower blood pressure in the most natural way possible.

It has been found that following this diet plan can lower your blood pressure levels by 68 points.

If you want to do away with high blood pressure medications and naturally bring back your cardiovascular health, following some dietary changes leaned towards the Mediterranean style will be your best shot.

How NOT to Prevent Kidney Stones

If you're at risk of kidney stones, you've got some important choices when it comes to beverages. Certain beverages lower risk, while others sharply increase risk.

So here's a quick guide for those who are likely to develop kidney stones.

We'll start with the good choices...

Drink up!

If you have kidney stones, you may be familiar with "lemonade therapy." One study that lasted four years showed that when kidney stone patients drank a daily lemonade drink, stone formation was slowed and the number of stones reduced.

Unfortunately, kidney stone patients also need to keep their sugar intake low to avoid stone formation. So this therapy loses a lot of its appeal when the "lemonade" is actually just diluted lemon juice that's either sugar-free or sweetened artificially.

Instead, you might consider a recommendation from an HSI member named John.

John tells us that he used to pass a kidney stone about once a month. It was "excruciating." But he found an easy way to alleviate his problem.

John: "I then read Dr. Jarvis's book 'Vermont Folk Medicine' talking about apple cider vinegar and honey being so beneficial to changing the PH of the body to prevent kidney stones.

"I immediately went on this regimen by taking a half bottle of honey and filling it up with apple cider vinegar. Then I put about an inch of this mixture in a glass and filled it up with water. I did this every morning since and have not had another stone in 46 years.

"Cheap treatment and I have recommended it to anyone that I talk to that has kidney stones and they all are helped."

John didn't mention what type of apple cider vinegar he uses. Judging by his success, I'm willing to bet it's a raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized product, rather than the typical apple cider vinegar you'll find in most large supermarkets.

Also note that honey is a simple carb. Like sugar, it should be used sparingly.

Now — what to avoid...

Start with soy milk.

A few years ago, I told you about research that found extremely high oxalate content in soybeans, tofu, and processed soy products. Oxalate is a compound that binds with calcium in the kidneys and promotes kidney stone formation. Researchers concluded that soy products are unsafe for anyone at risk of developing kidney stones.

Next on the "NOT" list: diet fizzy drinks.

New research tested several brands of diet fizzy drinks and found high citrate levels in citrus-flavoured varieties. (It's the citrate in lemon juice that makes lemonade a plus for kidney stone patients.)

Dr. Brian H. Eisner, lead researcher on the diet fizzy drink study, said that he doesn't suggest kidney stone patients start drinking fizzy drinks. And if only he'd stopped right there...

He goes on to note that these patients ARE advised to drink plenty of liquids every day, and adds, "If drinking these fizzy drinks helps people reach that goal, then that may be a good thing."

Oh brother! That's like saying people have to eat food every day, so if eating French fries and ice cream helps them reach that goal, that may be a good thing.

A while ago, I told you about a study that followed more than 6,000 ‘fizzy drinkers’ for four years. Subjects who drank just one or more fizzy drinks each day were nearly 45 per cent more likely to develop obesity, high blood sugar, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure.

The kicker: These results were nearly identical, whether the participants drank diet or normal fizzy drinks.

And don't even get me started on aspartame — just pure dangerous junk. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports headaches, insomnia, and seizures linked to aspartame intake.

If you have a history of kidney stones and your doctor suggests you start drinking Sprite Zero or some other citrus diet fizzy drink, bolt for the door and find another doctor — and something else to drink.

Continues below...

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Friday, May 27, 2011

How To Up Your Levels of Vitamin D

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10 Reasons to take back control of your life, today.

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Tomorrows Groundbreaking Cancer Breakthroughs… TODAY

352 Britons are dying from cancer each day, 1500 Americans and a shocking 5479 Chinese…

More than $200 Billion is being spent each year on the fight against cancer. Yet incidences of cancer continue to rise.

Mainstream drugs companies and pharmaceutical giants are losing the war on cancer...

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Protect Your Heart, Kidneys and Eyes With This One Single Nutrient

Critical Heart Nutrient Sparks Life and Energy Into Every Part of Your Body

More than a 1000 published scientific papers in the last 50 years prove this substance not only prevents heart attacks and strokes by stopping cholesterol blocking arteries… BUT it also...

** Lowers blood pressure

** Restores heart cells and improves the condition of heart patients…

And while the bulk of the science focuses on its ability to keep hearts healthy, it does much, MUCH more... like:

** Preventing nerve damage… brain cell deterioration… breathing problems…

** Rescuing distressed cells and DNA, in your organs, bones, skin, hair and eyes…

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Protect Your Heart, Kidneys and Eyes With This One Single Nutrient

How did I know Chris was concerned about his blood sugar? Easy — he asked if I knew anything about benfotiamine.

Now, that's not a question I hear everyday. Or, for that matter, EVER, until now. And Chris was a little surprised when my first response was to wonder if he was asking because of his blood sugar.

He just nodded and asked, "How did you know?"

You don't have to be a detective to unravel this mystery.

An absorbing issue

First of all, Chris is absolutely on the right track in hunting for information about benfotiamine.

Benfotiamine is a form of vitamin B1, also known as thiamine — an important nutrient in maintaining kidney and heart function.

It's also a vital link in carbohydrate metabolism.

When carbs are poorly metabolized, your cells can actually become flooded with glucose. For some cells, this is extremely dangerous — and over time, if left unchecked, it can lead to some pretty serious health concerns.

But even a small amount of benfotiamine might help keep metabolism on track and help prevent glucose-induced oxidative damage. In this way, it may also help protect kidneys and other organs that typically struggle when flooded with excess blood sugar.

Researchers believe that benfotiamine guards other body tissues as well — tissues that MUST be well-maintained for continued good health. For instance, in vitro studies have shown that benfotiamine appears to protect cells that line the interior walls of blood vessels.

One of the most important features of benfotiamine is that it's fat-soluble. Thiamine is water soluble, which means it's eliminated from your body fairly quickly.

Benfotiamine is also better absorbed. In fact, the absorption rate is about FIVE TIMES higher than that of a thiamine supplement alone.

Benfotiamine is one of three cornerstones in a supplement called GlucoComplete that was formulated by alternative medicine pioneer Dr. William Campbell Douglass.

After years of treating patients, Dr. Douglass concluded that benfotiamine is absolutely essential to maintaining good health as well as helping to protect eyes, kidneys and nerves from the effects of excess glucose.

Continues below...
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