Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prostate Cancer: The One Vitamin That Can Help Save Lives

Dear Reader,

Come on...you've got to love vitamin B-6.

Your body certainly does.

Your body puts B-6 to use in activating nearly 120 enzymes and 19 of your body's 20 amino acids. And all of that contributes to DNA repair, healthy immune, hormone, and cognitive functions, as well as prevention of heart disease, depression, kidney stones, and some cancers. Men, you have a special reason to love this valuable vitamin: B-6 has been shown to modify the way the prostate responds to testosterone. And that modification just might prolong your lives.

You can't go wrong

Research suggests that the B complex of vitamins have a preventive effect on the development and progression of prostate cancer.

To investigate this link, a US team from the Harvard School of Public Health looked at dietary habits of 525 men with prostate cancer. Survival over a period of 20 years was compared to the intake of four B vitamins: folate, riboflavin, B-6, and B-12.

Results: Men with highest B-6 intake were significantly more likely to survive the two decades compared to men with the lowest intake of the vitamin. None of the other nutrients were linked to longer survival time.

Most importantly, men with the best survival records were those who had localized-stage prostate cancer at the outset of the study and also had the highest B-6 intake. In other words, high levels of the vitamin were most effective when the cancer was newly diagnosed and had not yet spread beyond the prostate.

Men who had the highest intake averaged 2.2 to 2.9 mg of B- 6 daily — about twice the recommended intake.

So — pencils ready? Here's what your B-6 shopping list should look like...

Bananas and chicken breast have particularly high levels of vitamin B6. Red meat, fish, beans, fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens are also good sources.

Dr. Allan Spreen recommends 100 mg of B-6 daily, along with other B vitamins, of course, and magnesium. Dr. Spreen: "B- 6 is definitely more effective in the company of magnesium." Continues below...

*Highly Recommended*
Prostate Cancer:

If you’re male and over 40 you MUST read this

Statistics show that men have a 1 in 3 chance of developing a prostate disease at some time in their lives... For an unlucky 1 in 13, that disease will be cancer... Prostate cancer is one of the UK’s biggest killers. If you or your loved one is in this age group you must act NOW. Each year 40,000 men undergo painful surgery. This leaves many incontinent, impotent and infertile! Going under the knife is not a solution… Stop yourself becoming another statistic click through now. ...and another

thing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is becoming a costly affair for everyone...

Recently Alzheimer's Disease International commissioned a report, The World Alzheimer Report 2010, compiled by scientists at King's College London, and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. And uhm... things are not looking too great, to say the least.

According to Daisy Acosta, chair of Alzheimer's Disease International, "World governments are woefully unprepared for the social and economic disruptions this disease will cause."

The report has concluded the global cost of dementia will this year amount to £388bn in social care, unpaid care by relatives and medical bills... The report's co-author Martin Prince, of King's College's institute of psychiatry, said: "The care of people with dementia is not just a health issue, it is a massive social issue. This is particularly true in low-and middle-income countries which lack adequate systems of formal care. Governments must show greater leadership, working with stakeholders, to drive solutions to the long-term care issue."

To Your Good Health,

Usman Mughees Qazi

First Aid Director

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