Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blood Pressure info

Dear Fellow Hypertension Sufferer,
Picture the scene . . .
Your test results are just back from the lab.
You’re waiting expectantly in your doctor’s surgery….
It’s bad news!
You've got restricted blood flow due to hardened and furred arteries.
Your ‘bad’ cholesterol levels are way too high.
And to top it all, you have dangerously high blood pressure . . .
. . . You’re a heart attack or a stroke waiting to happen.

The doctor’s telling you he’s prescribing this drug to bring your blood pressure down, another drug to lower your cholesterol, and another to thin your blood.

You nod in agreement – what else can you do! - as he explains that you’ll need to take all these drugs for the rest of your life, because if you don’t then you’re a sitting duck for a stroke or a heart attack.

You hear the words, but you’re not really taking it all in . . . because inside you’re panicking. Your mind races ahead to your family, your children, to the people who depend on you.

Your rosy world where everything was possible just fell apart . . .

That’s how it was for me, at least. But I was one of the lucky ones, as I'll explain in just a moment. . .

But, if you’re one of the millions of people who suffer high blood pressure, then what I’ve just described may sound horribly familiar to you, too.

You may already have resigned yourself to the fact that you’ll be taking medication to control your blood pressure for the rest of your life – even though you may be uncomfortable with the fact that these drugs have a whole range of unpleasant side effects.

You may be secretly hoping for the day when you’ll be free of this life sentence hanging over you . . .

Well, let me reassure you. That day may be nearer than you think . . .

Because in the next 4 minutes I’m going to tell you about one of the most important natural advances for patients with high blood pressure in the last 20 years.

It’s a remarkable drug-free breakthrough that can be safely taken in conjunction with your blood pressure medication and can help you beat the curse of high blood pressure in just 6 weeks . . . just like it's done for many others.

In fact, it’s a ‘secret’ that’s already shared by 1.2 million people worldwide and now I’m going to let you in on how you can become one of the lucky ones, too . . .

The high blood pressure epidemic that mainstream medicine is failing to curb for 70% of patients

More than 52,000 Americans die from complications related to high blood pressure every year. Between 1993 and 2004 the rate of death from high blood pressure rose nearly 30 percent . . . . and it’s still rising.
On a worldwide scale the numbers are even more staggering - 7.6 million people die every year as a result of high blood pressure.

Here, in the UK, more than 16 million people suffer from high blood pressure. And according to the American Heart Association, one in three adults over the age of 20 – that’s about 65 million Americans - now have high blood pressure, affecting young and old alike.

About 25 million of them regularly take at least one prescription drug to control it.
So, you can already start to get a picture of how big the 'blood pressure' industry is for the phamaceutical companies.

But, according to a growing body of research, the current mainstream pharmaceutical approach is failing miserably.

A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that only about 30 percent of those being treated for hypertension are “well controlled.” The other 70 percent are still in a danger zone, despite regular treatment with drugs and regular checkups with their doctors.

These are shocking statistics, and when I first discovered the true scale of the problem, I became determined that my name wouldn't get added to these statistics.

I realized that I had to do something about it quickly or I risked losing everything . . .

The ‘silent killer’ that goes undetected in 33% of sufferers

They call it "the silent killer" because so many people have high blood pressure and they don't even know it because it never shows any symptoms - until it's too late.

But, what shocked me was when I found out that even a 10 point rise in blood pressure can lead to a doubling in risk of a heart attack or stroke!

As things stood, I was like a ticking bomb waiting to go off. I was . . .

3 times more likely to develop coronary heart disease
6 times more likely to develop congestive heart failure
7 times more likely to have a stroke
4 times more likely suffer kidney damage . . .
. . . for me, it wasn’t a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’.

Yes, I could change my lifestyle, exercise more regularly, introduce more healthy whole foods to my diet.
But how long would this take before I saw results?

I needed something quick-acting that was going to bring my blood pressure down straight away. Time wasn’t on my side. I had to act fast . . .

Everywhere I researched said that you had to go on the drugs. I wasn’t happy about taking so many drugs for the rest of my days, but I guessed I had no choice.

But, it was what I was to find out next about these drugs that really set the alarm bells ringing . .
Conventional drugs help lower your blood pressure...but at what price?

What Is High Blood Pressure (HBP) And Why Is It Dangerous?
Blood pressure is the force your blood exerts on your arteries as it flows through your body. If you have high blood pressure it means that your blood is exerting too much force on your arteries and is making your heart's job - pumping blood more difficult than it should be.
Your heart is a powerful and efficient muscle, but if it's forced to work too hard for too long it can enlarge, wear out or fail, causing a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm... or an early death.
When you have your blood pressure taken, you're given two numbers referred to as your Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.

Your Systolic blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure your blood exerts on your arteries when your heart beats, while your Diastolic blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure your blood exerts on your arteries when your heart is at rest.
What's The Difference Between Normal Blood Pressure and High Blood Pressure?
For an average adult (Systolic / Diastolic):
<120 / <80
120 - 39 / 80 - 99
Stage One Hypertension
140 -159 / 90 - 99
Stage Two Hypertension
160+ / 100+
If your blood pressure consistently reads in the ‘Hypertension’ or ‘Pre-Hypertension’ categories, then you need to seek immediate advice.
Following a diagnosis of high blood pressure (usually after it has been found to be high on three separate occasions), your doctor will probably prescribe an anti-hypertensive drug.

There are a number of drugs that fall under this category. They include beta blockers, which lower your heart rate; vasodilators (such as calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors), which widen your blood vessels; and diuretics (water tablets), which reduce the volume of your blood by removing water from your body.

Unfortunately these drugs all come with unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects, which are often worse than the problem they’re supposedly treating.

Diuretics basically dehydrate your body - that is, they remove fluid from your body by way of the kidneys. This may cause a drop in blood pressure, but the first question to come to mind to all of you smart readers is: 'If I don't have oedema (swelling), am I going to accomplish anything by draining my body fluids?'

Those fluids also contain many vital minerals, such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, and getting rid of them will cause electrolyte imbalances (loss of minerals) in your body.

But electrolyte imbalance is only the beginning. Other problems caused by diuretics include cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heart beat), gout, kidney damage or failure, uraemia, hyperglycaemia leading to diabetes, abnormal cholesterol, anaemia, photosensitivity, indigestion, headaches, visual disturbances and impotence.

But the side effects of diuretics are chicken feed compared to these other hypertension drug treatments . . .
There’s also the beta blockers. Beta blockers reduce the force of the heart's contractions. Basically, the heartbeat slows in reaction to the drug, and that lowers your blood pressure. So keep in mind that you're dealing with a dangerous cardiac drug, not 'just blood pressure medicine'.

Your doctor probably didn't dwell on this significant fact, but you need to know the truth. He didn't necessarily lie to you: He just didn't want to spend too much time on unpleasant things that might cause you to throw the pills in your rubbish bin - or not get the prescription filled at all.

OK, so being cardioactive drugs, what might you expect in the way of side effects from beta blockers? You've got it - signs of serious heart disease. You may experience any or all of the following symptoms: congestive heart failure, which will lead to pulmonary oedema, a good old-fashioned heart attack, or arrhythmia. And, of course, all of these irregularities can be fatal.

There's also a strong possibility that you'll experience a stroke, which could cause partial paralysis or death. And asthmatics should never take beta blockers, since they may trigger life-threatening airway spasms.

Anti-hypertension drugs are waging chemical warfare on your body
Next up are the ACE inhibitors. These wage a sort of chemical warfare attack in your body. They lower blood pressure by blocking the release of angiotensin. Your body releases this molecule in order to raise your blood pressure.

The body's chemical regulatory mechanisms do things for a reason; usually high blood pressure is a protective mechanism designed to maintain your 'homeostasis', your biological balance in the turbulent world inside your body. The ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure by counteracting this blood pressure raising agent.

But calcium channel blockers are, by far, the worst of the bunch. And, of course, they're among the most widely prescribed drugs in the modern world. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) block the movement of calcium across cell membranes.

This suppresses muscular contraction, which dilates the arteries and reduces resistance to blood flow. The doctor sees a reduction in your blood pressure and proclaims it medical magic: you take the little pills, your pressure comes down, and the doctor is a genius.

I wish it were that simple, but what else happens? Your heart feels like a fish flopping around in a bucket. You feel like you are going to faint, especially if you stand up quickly. You figure you can live with that; you just won't stand up quickly. But if going from sitting to standing can cause you to faint, how about going from flat on your back to standing?

This sudden drop in blood pressure can cause a stroke, and off to the emergency ward you go. But the calcium channel blocker won't take any of the blame: after all, your doctor prescribed it to you to prevent a stroke brought on by high blood pressure.

The 'cure' that causes 85,000 unnecessary deaths each year

These drugs can also cause heart failure, heart attacks, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage, and reduced white blood cell count (causing you to be more susceptible to infections). And another common - and deadly - possibility is their interaction with other drugs, which can lead to any of the above disasters.

The most important study to date on calcium channel blockers is the Wake Forest University School of Medicine research that was presented at an international cardiology meeting in Amsterdam in 2000.

According to the report, these very popular (with the doctors anyway) drugs may be responsible for an excessive number of heart attacks and cases of heart failure. It appears that they don't even prevent the cardiovascular complications of high blood pressure. In fact, they cause complications.

For example, calcium channel blockers lead to about 40,000 'unnecessary or excess' heart attacks in the US each year and about 85,000 such disasters worldwide, said Dr Marco Pahor, the professor of medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in the US who headed the research project.

If you currently suffer from hypertension, then it’s quite likely that you’re already taking one of these drugs without even realizing what the full side-effects and risks may be.

But just ask yourself: Do you want to end up being dependent on drugs that damage your kidneys and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke . . . ?

There just has to be a better way . . .
Please note : It is important that you do not refrain from taking any prescribed medication, or embark on any new treatment without first discussing it with your doctor or health advisor.

A centuries-old secret now made even better using 21st Century Science

As I said earlier, I was one of the lucky ones, because it was through my contacts at the Health Sciences Institute that I was first alerted to a remarkable natural advance developed from ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic remedies stretching back thousands of years.

The Health Sciences Institute focuses most of their research on natural treatments that are largely overlooked by the medical mainstream and the pharmaceutical companies . . . their experts get to hear about groundbreaking new medicines long before they make national headlines.

And that’s where I first heard about the work of Dr Stacey Miller . . .

Dr Miller is a Florida-based, naturopathic doctor, who after years of meticulous study of rare and unusual herbs used in ancient Chinese and Tibetan cultures had formulated a unique combination of four plant extracts:

Holly Leaf (Ilex aquifolium) -

For centuries now, holly leaf has been used as a tea in the mountains of southern China. But it is only recently that the therapeutic effect that this holly leaf can have on high blood pressure has come to the attention of modern medical science. One pharmacological study found that the herb could enhance overall blood circulation by expanding blood vessels, while also helping to diminish cholesterol. What’s more, holly leaf is a mood elevator — many people who take Alistrol notice a feeling of calm wash over them.

Daikon Seed Extract (Raphanus sativus) -

'Daikon' (meaning, in Japanese, 'large root') is a large, mild radish much esteemed in Asian cuisine, often served grated with sushi and sashimi. And, in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, radish seed is recognized as a wonderful digestive.

But modern medicine has also demonstrated that Daikon seed can help normalize blood pressure and cholesterol while improving overall cardiovascular health. Its main activity, according to the Chinese, is its ability to enhance a person’s “vital energy circulation.”

Chinese Hawthorn Fruit (Crataegus pinnatifida) -

Pharmacological studies indicate that Chinese hawthorn fruit - especially the premium hawthorn found only in Alistrol - can improve heart function, repair heart-muscle damage, enhance blood flow by dilating heart vessels, reduce arrhythmia, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In a recent study conducted by Reading University in the UK, scientists discovered that a daily dose of hawthorn extract taken over a 16 week period was effective in lowering blood pressure for diabetic patients.

Garlic Extract -

an important ingredient that has been shown to help prevent heart disease, high cholesterol and has many other cardiovascular benefits.
Garlic not only helps reduce blood pressure, but also reduces the stickiness of the blood inside the arteries - thereby helpin to prevent the blood from clotting, which could lead to heart attack or stroke.
In another study, conducted by the Department of Biological Sciences at Kuwait University, garlic was found to influence the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood - a substance that can help reduce blood pressure by widening the arteries.

But, better still, Dr. Miller's natural compound had even undergone a small, double-blind, placebo controlled study. It confirmed to me that these simple herbs could help in maintaining healthy blood pressure . . . .

Plus, these results were being achieved without any adverse side effects – which is the holy grail that every drug company hopes to attain, yet none ever do.

In a clinical trial, Alistrol helped lower systolic blood pressure by 10.6 points and diastolic blood pressure by 9.3 points in just weeks
Alistrol's unique herbal compound is the only natural patented blood pressure product to have undergone a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. No other hypertension supplement can claim this….

Researchers from the University of Maine and Case Western University, in conjunction with Marshall Blum laboratories, performed a double-blind, placebo controlled human clinical trial on 19 patients over an 8 week period to study the effects of Alistrol’s ingredients in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Ten patients received the product, whilst nine patients recieved a placebo.Now, I know that you're thinking that this trial was very small compared to those conducted on pharmaceutical medicines. However, see for yourself the results below and ask yourself whether the results do point to a significant benefit from this herbal compound, which warrant further investigation . . .
Subjects took 550 mg of Alistrol three times a day for eight weeks. Then they stopped taking it for 4 weeks.

Patients in the control group took 550 mg of placebo capsules three times per day for eight weeks. The blood pressures of each patient was measured at the end of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks.

The graphs above show how Alistrol helped to lower blood pressure by 7.9 points systolic and by 10.2 points diastolic over the course of 8 weeks. But it doesn't stop there . . .Patients were tested again after 12 weeks . . . 4 weeks after they had stopped taking the product / placebo.For those in the placebo group, their systolic blood pressure had started to creep back up to where it was before they started the trial.However, for those taking the Alistrol herbal compound, their systolic blood pressure remained low . . . and that's without having even taken the product for 4 weeks!So, to sum up the conclusions from this small 12 week trial:
Alistrol helped lower systolic blood pressure by 10.6 points (or 8.0% on average).
Alistrol helped lower diastolic blood pressure by 9.3 points (or 11.3% on average).
Alistrol can be effective for helping people manage mild to high hypertension and can improve hypertension within as little as 2-4 weeks.
Alistrol is safe to use, and can be taken in conjunction with other medication
Alistrol helps blood pressure remain stable and within a healthy range on average for up to a month after stopping taking it.
Alistrol has negligible side effects
Nine out of ten patients taking Alistrol experiened a positive result after taking Alistrol for just one month.

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